Back to the city…

Headed back to Austin for a few days, and appreciate your prayers as we enter that mission field!

I wonder what God is doing in the lives of the two from Nepal we met on our last trip to Austin?  And the one from Pakistan working in a 7-11? And those we met who were working in the Indian restaurant who have come to the USA in search of a “better life”?  Do we have some stories to tell them!

Jesus’ words from John 10:10 will be a part of the story:  “I have come that they might have life, and have it in abundance.”  Could that be the real reason God has brought them here?

Hayfield.jpgLook around you and ask for eyes to see from His perspective. Make a friend and share His story. “Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.” (John 4:35).

Cityscape: Jerusalem

“When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it…” (Lk. 19:41).


Jesus looked over the cityscape of Jerusalem, the cries of “Hosanna!” still ringing in His ears. The praise of the triumphal entry would not sway Him from His purpose. The only voice that mattered was that of His Father.


He looked at the city, not seeing buildings or streets, but seeing hearts of people who were greatly loved, yet oblivious to that Love.


He wept, not for himself or what he knew would happen to Him as He stepped into the city, but for the pain of separation between the Father and His people.


Would you weep for your city?  Or perhaps for neighbors, friends?  Or someone in your family?


As we go deeper with Him, our hearts cry with His. Things that move our Lord begin to move us.


As we contemplate His painful death and powerful resurrection, take another look at your city.  See the people He died to save.  Pray over them, face your fears, and walk confidently into His purpose, just as Jesus did, no matter the cost.

On the Road Again!

This Willie Nelson song was a favorite of ours as we dated and married in 1981, and its message has literally played out in our lives many times since then!

Please pray as tomorrow we begin a 3-week trip for two conferences and many stops along the way to visit and share about our ministry. In Rogers, Arkansas, we will be learning more about how to share our story and vision for ministry, building a support base for this new endeavor in Austin with Global Gates. (By the way, here are two distinctives about the ministry we are about to launch:

  • It focuses on training local churches to reach unreached peoples at their doorsteps and in their cities
  • It focuses on evangelizing the lost and training believers from among unreached people groups, so that they can reach back to their families and networks)

After Arkansas, we will travel through Tennessee, into North Carolina, and on to Richmond, Virginia, where we will have several days of wrapping up our time with the International Mission Board, based on the theme from 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 “For Christ’s love compels us, and we no longer live for ourselves but for Him who died to give us life.” We will be among many friends and missionary colleagues who have also taken early retirement, as well as among those with whom we worked in our time on staff in Richmond. We are thankful for our years with IMB, and for the training and experience gained with them. They have been like family to us in many settings around the world.

On the way home we will drive through Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, stopping to see friends and ministry partners along the way. We hope to see many of you as we are “On the Road Again”!

Gateway City: Austin, TX

Our most recent prayer letters describing our journey have been included before this post. The journey continues…

As we prepared to leave Europe, we were impressed once again by Jesus’ last words to us: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:18-20). We asked ourselves and God how we could best fulfill Jesus’ last command of making disciples.

About two weeks after we arrived in Texas, we were contacted by Global Gates about the possibility of joining with them in their “gateway cities” network to reach the least-reached peoples located in the heart of North American cities.  The work was fairly new, beginning in NYC and later branching to San Francisco, DC, and Toronto. At that time there was a possibility of new beginnings in the Texas cities of Houston, DFW, and Austin.

We prayed. We studied the possibilities and statistics. We networked with people. We went to training sessions. We prayed more.  After several weeks, we determined that this is indeed the direction God is taking us.  Our experience of living in large cities of Latin America and Europe gives us a love for the city, and has helped us to see how those who are hidden within the city are loved by God. Not only that, but God has a plan to use the city as a sowing field for many to be trained to take the seeds of the gospel to their own people. International missions at its finest. God’s plan for the city.

So, after three different trainings (and two more in the next two weeks), we will be on the road to Austin, Texas. Well, we will not actually move there until things are in place financially to do so, but we have a goal of moving there sometime this summer.


We really do need your prayers as we embark upon a three-week trip for training and sharing about the ministry. We need God to provide what is needed for launching this effort. We would be glad to share more information with those who are interested in partnering with us in this ministry, through our email contact:

When we left for the mission field in 1988, we felt like we were diving into the deep end…and we were, for that time in the life of our young family. Now, we feel like we are jumping, not just into the deep end, but into the ocean!  Thanks in advance for your prayers for this faith endeavor.

We have already met some amazing people in Austin…and God is doing an amazing work through them!  “Do not be afraid…for I am with you…I have many people in this city.”(Acts 18:9-10). We will be privileged to join them in what God is doing there, on a Kingdom team that will write new chapters of the book of Acts.

Here is a link that will help you better understand our mission through Global Gates:   (Check out the videos “What If” and “Global Gates Network”.)  We look forward to partnering with you in making disciples!

“God blesses us, that all the ends of the earth may fear Him.” (Psalm 67:7)

Back in Texas

This prayer letter was an update sent out in January, 2016, after a month back in Texas…

Following our early retirement from IMB, we are back in Texas, asking for your prayers as we seek God’s direction for what’s next.  

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 Cliffs of Scala dei Turchi

Reflecting His Light

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden….Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father…”(Matt. 5:14,16)

Greetings from San Antonio, Texas!  We flew in from Milan a month ago, and wanted to send you an update.  You have been faithful to support us through many years of ministry, and we count on your continued prayers as we move forward.


During this month we have spent time reconnecting with extended family, resting in the Lord, praying, reading Scripture, and enjoying being back in our home culture. Our furnishings from Italy arrived last week and seem to be in good shape, which is an answer to prayer. We have yet to see our California-based children but hope to do that sometime in the next few weeks. 


We are so grateful to have been provided with temporary housing, as well as with automobiles – the result of family, friends, and many of God’s people (some we didn’t even know) coming together and giving.  All we can say at this point is “WOW” and “thank you”.  His grace has certainly been demonstrated through His people in meeting these needs.


Our main prayer request is simple to say but can be more complicated to discover. We are praying for God’s direction as we follow up on the leads He is giving us for future ministry.  We are considering how He can best leverage all our experiences and training, for His glory and the growth of His Kingdom.  We are certain He will do just that, but need to know we are on the best track as we move forward with possibilities at this point.  Our lights shine brightest where it is the darkest, and we want to make ourselves available for that purpose. 


When we sensed God’s direction concerning early retirement from the mission field, we sensed His direction TO something and not away from what we knew and cherished.  Even though there is a sense of loss at the separation from IMB and our colleagues around the world, we also have a sense of excitement and anticipation as we look ahead. Will you please pray with us about the best investment of our time and energies in reaching the world through reaching the unreached at our doorstep? 


We look forward to hearing from you and connecting with many of you along the way.  In the meantime, thank you in advance for your prayers and for your partnership!



  • for God’s direction in future ministry
  • for IMB leadership and European Affinity leadership, in the midst of many transitions and decisions

A huge thank you to those who have given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering through the years…and please note that the LOTTIE MOON Offering is not just for Christmas! Please consider that your gifts can be given at any time throughout the year, at the following link:

THANK YOU, and God’s richest blessings to you in 2016, as we seek to best reflect His light together.

For His glory,
Tom and Bonnie Hearon

(Both photos in this newsletter were taken in November 2015 at the Scala dei Turchi in southern Sicily, Italy. The high white cliffs reflect the varied colors of the sunsets.) 


 Sunset at Turchi, Sicilia

Saying Goodbyes in Europe

This prayer letter was sent out in November 2015 as we were wrapping things up and preparing to move stateside Dec. 16…

With all that is going in this season of good-byes, we are overwhelmed by the Lord’s love for us, blessed by all of you who have been with us through the years. 

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His Love Overwhelms Us

If you have followed our last prayer letters, you know that the next few weeks could be overwhelming for us in many ways.  We wanted to write you and share with you our need for your prayers as we begin to sell household goods, pack up, say goodbyes, prepare resumes for future ministry, and finish well in this chapter of our lives.


Did we say overwhelming?  Yes, there are moments when we are almost overwhelmed with all there is to do.  But most of all, we are overwhelmed with thankfulness, at the privilege of working together with God in different settings of His world. We are overwhelmed by His grace in calling and using us. Overwhelmed by the amazing brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we have been privileged to serve. We are overwhelmed with the sense of victory He gives us as we look forward the future.  We are overwhelmed with our need for Him, and the sense that we can do nothing without Him. 


Did we mention resumes?  It has been a while since we have seen or prepared one of those. How do you fit everything you have done as a missionary in a page or two?  How can we capture those eternal moments of sharing the Gospel that have changed us as it transformed others?  Paul said it well, “Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us.” (1 Thess. 2:8). Not so easy to express on a page or two.


If Paul were to write a resume, he could truthfully include “apostle, tentmaker, chief of sinners, skilled in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic and Latin, educated in Jewish Scriptures and Pharisaic traditions, witness of the resurrected Christ, writer of 13 books of the Bible, prisoner, earthquake and shipwreck survivor.“ However, he would most likely simply state, as he did in II Cor. 12:9: “I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.” Yes, prayer for wisdom in preparing resumes would be appreciated, but especially that God would prepare and empower us for exactly the right tasks He has for us.


Now for our schedule.  First, we are looking forward to having our kids arrive next week for an Italian Thanksgiving!  We will do a bit of traveling with them here in Italy, and hope to have a sense of closure together as we complete this chapter of our lives. Our official “retirement date” is December 4. Around December 10 we will prepare a small shipment of books and personal items. We board the plane for San Antonio on December 16. From there, well, we will see where God leads.


Back to being overwhelmed — here are some special ways we are overwhelmed as we think back over these years of serving overseas. Your prayers have overwhelmed us with His grace. Your giving has allowed us the privilege of serving. Your encouragement has empowered us to persevere. Your willingness to come join us in different settings has strengthened us and the work in Brazil, Italy, and across Europe. Words cannot express our gratitude to you and to our Lord for the privilege of working together.


We hope to be in touch with you again before Christmas, but please allow us to once again say “thank you” for walking with us through these 27 years. 


For His glory,

Tom and Bonnie Hearon


If you don’t have a clue what is going on in our organization, or why, you can find more information at this link:


Please continue to give for the sake of the Gospel!  Here is the link for giving and leading others to give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering:


Here’s another for Lottie Moon ideas:



We visited Wittenberg, Germany last week and saw the church where Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis and began the Reformation on October 31, 1517. 

The Winds of Change

This prayer letter was sent October 5, 2015, to inform supporters of the decision to accept early retirement…

We want to thank you for your continued prayers and concern for us as we serve. Changes are coming for us as we accept the early retirement invitation offered by the IMB. We want you to know and pray with us through these changes. 

Changes are coming!

We want you to know 

When you sign a blank check and lay it before God, you can never be sure what will be drawn from your account. In 1988 Bonnie and I did just that. We sold a house full of stuff and packed 16 suitcases to move ourselves and our two preschool daughters to Brazil. Since then we have have had many transitions that have included different countries, languages, and roles. We have always sensed that God was in control of the chaos. And that still holds true. 


Within the past few weeks, our IMB president, David Platt has challenged us to once more lay a blank check before the Lord and to consider what He would have us do. A financial crisis has made it necessary to separate 600-800 workers around the world from the calling to place and people that had marked their lives up to that point. For more information on this:


So, we have done that. We spent several weeks praying, took a day away to pray (how could God call us away from Italy when we are in the Alps overlooking Lake Como???), and have certainly looked to Scripture for guidance. We have struggled with the implications of what this would mean and have sought peace. 


We finally determined that this revised version of our life vision was indeed God’s plan, and have made the necessary steps toward early retirement which will begin on December 4. We are planning to land in San Antonio, Texas in December or January, after we close things out, and will branch out to explore ministry possibilities from there.

When missionaries hear the call of God, they give up family, job, culture, and language to go where God sends them. We don’t consider that we are no longer “called” or that we are no longer missionaries. Our place of service will change. We will seek ministry opportunities and see what doors that the Father opens for us. On August 30, just three days after David Platt made his first statement to us all, Tom posted the following on FaceBook: 


“For all my friends and colleagues that are concerned about the #IMB plans for reorganization and the VRI, I want to recommend that you spend some time with Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God. Look for videos on YouTube and ask God what He is up to. Be ready to join Him. He hasn’t lost control. What will God do in the USA with 600 cross-cultural workers returning to the churches and cities? You can engage the world from there. And you can engage the changing US culture if you will take the global strategies that you have been using and apply them there. God is not losing this battle. Watch the videos and remind yourself of things you were once very familiar with.” 


I believe that we will be among those who work for Christ transformed lives within the American culture. We will also dedicate ourselves to mobilize the church to go to Italy, Europe, and the world to engage people with the Gospel. 


Have we mentioned this decision has been difficult for us? Twenty-seven years of being with IMB—is like leaving family once again. Thank you for walking this road with us, and for praying us through many transitions to this point.  We depend on your prayers into this next chapter, and ask you to join us in praying for the following:

  • For those who will continue to serve with IMB, as they adjust to the “new normal” without many of their more experienced colleagues around them.
  • For God to bring about spiritual awakening in Europe.
  • For God to use 600-800 experienced cross-cultural workers to make a difference and encourage spiritual awakening in the USA. 
  • For God to open just the right doors of ministry for both of us.
  • For our small window of time to sell our furniture and appliances in Italy before beginning again in the USA.
  • For our daughters and son-in-law as they come to visit for Thanksgiving.


For His glory,

Tom and Bonnie Hearon

October 15, 2015 


2 Corinthians 2:14: “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.”


Making It Count

Prayer letter sent from Milan, Italy after receiving news of possible early retirement on September 14, 2015

This is a crucial time in the history of IMB. Many missionaries around the world are considering what these new circumstances will mean to them and to the people to whom they have been sent. We want you to know the things on our heart as we say “Yes, Lord” and make our lives count for Christ and His Kingdom.
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Making it Count

Saying “Yes, Lord” Once More

Last night Tom preached in an Italian church in Milan.  I listened and prayed as he preached from Luke 15 on the shepherd who left the ninety-nine to go after the one lost sheep.  I considered the ratio of 99:1—this is the ratio we face here, except there may be one who is found, in the midst of the 99 lost.  Here in Italy and in many other parts of Europe, less than 1% are in His fold and have a personal relationship with the Shepherd.

The power of one.  Last night, one adult man responded to the invitation, and heaven had a party over it!  We in Europe sow seeds widely in hopes for that one who will respond.  Our vision stays strong, and we train toward the goal that through one, many will be reached, many groups started, many disciples multiplied, many someday who will be around His throne praising Him in their own language, because one has said “Yes, Lord.”

Who’s counting?  The Shepherd does.  The one is important to Him, so we seek to make that one count!

Herein lies the dilemma of these days.  Many of you have read or heard about our organization’s financial dilemma (see links to articles at We have said “Yes, Lord” to His calling, and even though we are very close to what most would consider retirement age, we have planned to continue here several more years. After helping to process others to get to the field, we felt led to go back through the reappointment steps to be back on the front lines. What will our “Yes, Lord” look like at this time in our lives?

We wanted to write you before we receive the actual details of the Voluntary Retirement Incentive that is being offered this week.  We want to ask you for your prayers, joining us in the prayer that never fails: “Not my will, but Yours be done.”  We want to be transparent about the struggle that we and many of our colleagues are facing.

We also want you to know ahead of time that, however He leads us, we plan to make it count.

If we say “Yes, Lord” to this modified timing, it is only because God has led and has changed our plans, and because we believe that His ways are higher than ours. This response would be because we have listened and been obedient, wholeheartedly laying ourselves and our plans at His feet, and trusting that He will provide – not only for us, but for IMB, and for continued laborers to be thrust into the harvest. We would face the future with a strong sense of calling to be a part of the sowing and harvesting in another setting.

If we say no to this retirement invitation, we would continue to say a wholehearted “Yes, Lord” to Him, and we would purpose to make our time count. Our “no” would not be to prove any point or to deny the financial need of our organization, nor would it be to deny the possibility of others serving who may have more years to give.  It would be only because He has given us the calling, gifts and health to continue serving in this place, and because we wholeheartedly believe in our front-line tasks of reaching the unengaged and unreached peoples of Europe and in training new personnel across eighteen time zones to “make it count”.

Whatever our decision, we plan to make it count.  And we want to ask you to do the same.

To our fellow “seasoned workers”, we join you in praying for wisdom and discernment for such a time as this.  We pray that we would have no cause for guilt or shame as we consider the right factors, as we seek to hear only His voice, and to obey.  We join you in the prayer for making your years count, wherever you are and however God is leading you. Only He can tell you what is right for you. We love you, pray with you, appreciate your wholehearted service, and support your decision.

To our younger colleagues, we pray that you will make your time count more than ever, that God will give you vision and strength to carry out that vision, that you will pour yourselves into learning your language and the culture of your people group, and that He will give you a supernatural love for them.  We pray you have endurance to press on even when others may be packing up and going home. We pray for unusual opportunities to sow seeds and for the harvest of many lives to come out of each one who bows to Him.  We pray for wisdom beyond your years and experience, when wisdom of more experienced colleagues may not be as readily available.  We pray that you will make every day count.  We love you and believe in you, and lift you up during these days of inevitable increased transition for you.

To those of you who pray and give, we thank you once again and ask you to “make it count” like never before!  Because you have prayed and given through the years, we have the amazing privilege of being on the front-lines of seeing God work, and there are no words to express our gratitude for this. If there ever was a time to pray and give, it is now. Please pray, that we, as well as our IMB leaders and colleagues around the world, will have wisdom in these days of decision, that we will seek His glory above our own desires, and that His Kingdom will expand as never before.

Make it count – be wholehearted in giving yourself to Him, and in your own pursuit of the one, wherever that may lead you. “Yes, Lord”—because we really can’t call Him LORD and give Him anything other than our “Yes”.

Bonnie Hearon